Did you miss former activist Antonio Paiva's talk as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Between 1969 and 1971, 350,000 Portuguese arrived in France. More than 90% were undocumented migrants. In addition to traditional families, often from rural backgrounds, there were families from urban areas, including sons who refused to be conscripted into the army and to participate in the colonial war. In 1970, around 17,234 Portuguese reached France at the age of military service (conscientious objectors, draft dodgers, and deserters).
Between 1970 and 1972, the percentage of draft dodgers was around 20% of the total number of military candidates: some 50,000 young men turned their backs on military service. The so-called "political" emigration began, and Antonio Paiva, who was part of this movement, arrived in Paris in September 1970 before moving to Luxembourg at the end of 1971.