Themed tour| Hungry for Culture

Hungry for culture? Check out our short lunchtime tours, designed to fit around your busy schedule! The tours provide a brief but focused encounter with artworks and objects from our collection, with plenty of time left over to grab a bite to eat.

Take 20 minutes out of your lunch break and sample the cultural fare on offer! Be sure to drop by the Gëlle Klack afterwards and get 10% off your lunch.


In 1966, Abbé Georges Kayser discovered four burial tombs of Trevirian cavalrymen at a place called Scheierheck near Goeblange-Nospelt. 30 years later, new archaeological excavations revealed more about them.

The most impressive tomb in this vast complex is burial chamber B. Containing the charred bones of a cremated male individual, this tomb contained native furnishings, including two yew wood buckets - veritable masterpieces of late Celtic craftsmanship. The indigenous furniture was mixed with bronze tableware imported mainly from Italy, as well as ceramic tableware made in Gaul but imitating Italian shapes.

This rich funerary material bears witness to the transition from Celtic to Gallo-Roman civilisation, in other words to advanced Romanisation.