Première de la pièce de théâtre 25 de abril de 1974 avec Magaly Teixeira et coproduite par le Escher Theater

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Half a century has passed since the overthrow of the Portuguese dictatorship. But who can still give a first-hand account of the events that took place on the day of the Carnation Revolution? How is this memory perpetuated, by whom, through what prism (personal, historical, political, media) and with what intention (testimony, historical record, games of influence, misappropriation of information, etc.)? The Portuguese company mala voadora, directed by Jorge Andrade, has tackled these issues in a show that superimposes archive images documenting the revolution and a voice that, through its slogans, seems to be staging past events. The aim is to raise public awareness of the mechanisms of fictional construction, and in particular the construction of manipulated realities (‘fake news’).

Actress Magaly Teixeira will perform a previously unpublished French version as part of a presentation co-produced by Escher Theater, premiering on 9 June at 4:30 pm at the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart.

Crédit photo: Horário Novais