MUSEOMAGENDA: the programme at a glance!
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On view
Practical infos
Opening times and admission
Luxembourg for kids and Discovery tour Tours for kids
Agenda Our programme at a glance
Archaeology From Prehistory to the Middle Ages
Fine Arts Old Masters and Contemporary Art
Arts and Crafts From Mansfeld to Design
Coins and Medals The Coin Cabinet
Luxembourg for Kids Tour for families
"Luxembourg for kids" is a discovery booklet for children of 6 years and up who want to visit and explore the museum together with their family. The tour combines various activities and leads across twelve stations throughout the collections of the museum. The young visitors are guided by Wulles, the museum's lovely mascot. The aim of this tour is it to get an insight into the history of Luxembourg in a playful manner and to learn exciting details about culture and everyday life in different time periods.
Collections Explore objects and artworks
Our online collections platform Collections is a digital platform allowing any browser to access the museum's collections currently published online as well as all information about the digitalised objects (metadata, zooming views, previous publications, virtual exhibitions). This platform allows you to discover the collections of our departments from different angles. The works and objects are either grouped by department or can be found via a number of search and filter mechanisms. A growing variety of virtual exhibitions provide a thematic access. The works and objects on our platform are either in copyright or in the public domain. Whenever possible, photos of the latter are made freely available under the CC0 license. Immersive 3D tours The Nationalmuseum um Fëschmaart offers visitors four thematic tours to discover its valuable permanent collection. These can also be explored immersively in the 3D tours.
Tours A flyer for each collection
Why not start your visit with a brief, instructive overview of the history of the country and of the museum since 1839. Next, you are invited to continue your tour by discovering the various collections according to your own focuses. Four different tours through the permanent exhibitions are offered (A for Archaeology, B for Coins and Medals, C for Arts and Crafts, D for Fine-Arts with a specific tour dedicated to Steichen The Photographer). The museum offers an additional discovery tour leading across twelve stations throughout the collections - "Luxembourg for kids" - for children of 6 years and up who want to visit and explore the museum together with their family and to get an insight into the history of Luxembourg in a playful manner.
3D Tours The museum at your fingertips
Discover the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart through a series of immersive and interactive 3D tours. Scanned using cutting edge technology, the museum provides an exciting digital experience of Luxembourg’s cultural heritage.
Mosaïque de Vichten
Lame de hache polie de Junglinster
Tombe à incinération d’Altrier
Chambre funéraire B de Goeblange-Nospelt
Ambon de l’église mérovingienne d’Echternach
Autel de Fortune de Dalheim
Hervé Télémaque | La pluie N˚ 2
Jean Hélion | Espaces bleus
Victor Hugo | Schengen 13 7bre 1871
Edward Steichen | Moonrise - Mamaroneck
Jacques Monory | Meurtre N° XVIII
William Turner | Vue de Luxembourg, la ville depuis la côte d'Eich
Pablo Picasso | Paysage de Cannes au crépuscule
Atelier rhénan-mosan | Croix-reliquaire (staurothèque)
Rosso Fiorentino | Bacchus, Vénus et l'Amour
Albrecht Bouts | Christ couronné d'épines et Mater dolorosa
Lucas Cranach | La Charité
Élément de cuisine Blossom
Table à journaux éclairée de deux lampes
Buffet-Vitrine Art Déco
Encoignure à gaine d’horloge
Salière-poivrière en forme de Turc
Boîte à thé
Chien couché provenant du château de Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld
Grande boîte à balance monétaire de Tonnis von Medtmann
Billet de 100 francs luxembourgeois
Trésor de Dalheim-Petzel
Ordre du Lion d’Or de la Maison de Nassau
Médaille de Charles Quint
1 ½ solidi de Gratien
Njörd MNHA
Njörd is a very qualitative fast food concept, inspired by Scandinavian values and way of life.
EMOP 2019 Lux
Catalogue de l'exposition en vente au MNHA-Shop au prix de 20€.
Florenz unter den letzten Medici
Der vom MNHA herausgegebene und 288 Seiten umfassende Hardcover-Katalogist in drei Sprachen erschienen (Deutsch, Englisch und Italienisch). Er bietet neben einleitenden Essays führender Experten auch die Kurzbiographien aller in der Ausstellung vertretenen Künstler sowie zu jedem ausgestellten Kunstwerk einen eigenständigen kunsthistorischen BeitragFlorenz unter den letzten MediciPublikation vom Musée national d'histoire et d'art, LuxembourgHerausgegeben von Federico BertiSilvanaEditoriale288 SeitenISBN 978-2-87985-557-8Preis: 28 Euro.www.mnha-shop.lu
Théodore van Loon
Catalogue d'expositionpages 236ISBN 9789462302389Prix 35€
Drama and Tenderness - Flemish, Spanish and Italian Art of the Baroque
Drama and Tenderness - Flemish, Spanish and Italian Art of the Baroque Masterpieces from the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, the MNHA and two major European private collections.Le Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA) est honoré de présenter l'exposition Drama and Tenderness - Flemish, Spanish and Italian Art of the Baroque. Cet ensemble exceptionnel d'art baroque est composé d'œuvres en provenance du Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts d'Anvers (KMSKA), en prêt jusqu'à la réouverture du musée en 2019, ainsi que de chefs-d'œuvre issus de deux prestigieuses collections privées européennes et des fonds du MNHA. La présentation met en dialogue des œuvres d'artistes flamands comme Rubens, Van Dyck et Jordaens avec des maîtres espagnols et italiens dont Murillo, Ribera ou encore Zurbaran.L'exposition sera à l'affiche du MNHA à partir du 10 novembre 2017, jusqu'à la réouverture en 2019 du Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts d'Anvers (KMSKA).ISBN : 9782879854854Langues : FR/DE/ANGPages : 87Prix : 20€
The Origins of the Chinese Civilization
Catalogue de l'exposition bilingue (EN/FR)disponible à la vente au MNHA-Shop à partir du20 novembre 2018Titre :The Origins of Chinese CivilisationArchaeological Treasures from HenanLes origines de la civilisation chinoiseTrésors archéologiques du HenanDirection d'ouvrage :Tian Kai / Michel PolferÉditeur :Musée national d'histoire et d'art, LuxembourgFormat, Pages :270 × 190 mm, 156 pagesMise en page :101 StudiosISBN :978-2-87985-581-3Prix :38 euros
Art déco au Luxembourg
Portail de données ouvertes
From Prehistory to the Middle Ages, discover the archaeological heritage on five floors.
Old Masters
Find yourself on a rich and unique journey through time and discover the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart’s masterpieces from the 13th to the 18th century.
Modern and Contemporary Art
Discover the artistic movements from the 20th century up to today, with a focus on neo-impressionism, the School of Paris and the New Figuration.
Art in Luxembourg
The collection of Luxembourg art provides an overview of the Grand Duchy’s art history from the 19th century until today.
Arts and Crafts
The rooms of the Wiltheim Wing provide an original look at Luxembourg’s way of living and its applied arts.
The Coin Cabinet
Gold coins, prestigious decorations and Luxembourg’s first bank notes, discover the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart’s most secret collection.
The entire museum
Warning! This 3D model requires a strong graphic card.
Musée Dräi Eechelen
Fondation de Luxembourg
Donations to the MNHA
#wielewatmirsinn Catalogue 280 pages en vente au prix de 32€ Edité par: Claude Frieseisen, Régis Moes, Michel Polfer, Renée Wagener Chambre des Députés - Musée national d'histoire et d'art
CATALOGUES DISPONIBLES A LA VENTE à l'accueil du musée et au MNHAShop en ligneDe Mena, Murillo, Zurbarán - Maîtres du baroque espagnolÉditeur: Van de Wiele PublishingDate: 2019Langues: NL/FR/ALL/ANGL/ESPPages: 88 pagesISBN: 978-9076297798Prix: € 19,95L’exposition et le catalogue qui l’accompagne ont été conçus en collaboration étroite avec le Musée du Sint-Janshospitaal de Bruges.Pedro de Mena. The Spanish BerniniÉditeur: HannibalDate: 2019Langue: AnglaisPages: 288 pagesISBN: 978-9492677914Prix: € 35,00
Nico Klopp New hang in the Wiltheim wing (3rd floor)
De Mena, Murillo, Zurbarán Masters of the Spanish Baroque
#wielewatmirsinn 100 years of universal suffrage in Luxembourg
The Luxembourg Secession New hang in the Kutter Rooms
BodyFiction(s) European Month of Photography 2019 (EMOP)
Theodoor van Loon A Caravaggist Painter between Rome and Brussels
The Origins of the Chinese Civilization Archaeological Treasures from Henan
Art Deco in Luxembourg Vernissage on 26th April at 6.30 p.m.
The celestial place. Etruscans and their Gods. The federal sanctuary of Orvieto.
Drama and Tenderness Flemish, Spanish and Italian Art of the Baroque
Masterpieces from the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, the MNHA and two major European private collections
Creation in Form and Color Hans Hofmann
Portugal - Drawing the World
EMOP - European Month of Photography 2017 Looking for the Clouds Contemporary Photography in Times of Conflict
Joseph Kutter 1894-1941
H. Craig Hanna Paintings and Drawings
uvre invitée Guest Work Francisco de Zurbarán | The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
From the Depot to the Exhibition Luxembourgs Egyptian Artefacts Awake from their Long Sleep
Guest Work - Obra Convidada Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
Brushed by Light Carla van de Puttelaar
New temporary exhibition
Programmation hebdomadaire
Consultez nos offres culturelles de la semaine en un coup d'oeil
#wielewatmirsinn - 100 Joer allgemengt Wahlrecht zu Lëtzebuerg
De Mena, Murillo, Zurbarán
Pedro de Mena. The Spanish Bernini
De Mena, Murillo, Zurbarán. Masters of the Spanish baroque
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2020
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2019
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2019
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2019
Insight into the life of the MNHA Activity Report 2018
The activity report charts the preceding year, including events, discoveries, renovation work, and gives a better insight into the life of the institution. This reference document is only available in french.
Théodore van Loon | Un peintre caravagesque entre Rome et Bruxelles
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2019
The Origins of Chinese Civilisation - Book
Florenz unter den letzten Medici
The Origins of Chinese Civilisation - Flyer
The Origins of Chinese Civilisation - Invitation Card
Nuit des musées 2018
Jean Mich - Carton d'invitation
Année européenne du patrimoine culturel - Programme 2018/2
Flyer Jean Mich
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2018
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2018
Drama and Tenderness - Flyer
Année européenne du patrimoine culturel - Programme 2018/1
Art Deco in Luxembourg
Le lieu céleste. Les Étrusques et leurs dieux.
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2018
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2018
Brochure Ateliers pour adultes
MNHA - 100 objets
Creation in Form and Color: Hans Hofmann
Programme scolaire 2017/2018
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2017
Creation in Form and Color. Hans Hofmann
Steichen Collections
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2017
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2017
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2017
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2016
Renc'Art 01 | 2017
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2016
Albrecht Bouts (1451/55 - 1549)
Sang et larmes - Albrecht Bouts et les Images de la Passion.
Blut und Tränen. Albrecht Bouts und das Antlitz der Passion - Katalog
The Cold War in Luxembourg - Booklet
La Guerre froide au Luxembourg
Become a patron of a Koekkoek
RENC'ART 03/2016 - MNHA
Renc'Art 02 | 2016
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2016
H. Craig Hanna | Paintings and Drawings
H. Craig Hanna | Peintures et dessins
Joseph Kutter
Kutter et l'expressionnisme européen
Sketchbook by H. Craig Hanna
Joseph Kutter
Renc'Art 01 | 2016
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2016
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2015
Empreintes 05 | 2014
Empreintes 04 | 2011
Empreintes 03 | 2010
Empreintes 02 | 2009
Empreintes 01 | 2008
Musée Info 18 | 2005
Musée Info 17 | 2004
Musée Info 16 | 2003
Musée Info 15 | 2002
Musée Info 14 | 2001
Musée Info 13 | 2000
Musée Info 12 | 1998
Musée Info 11 | 1997
Musée Info 10 | 1996
Musée Info 09 | 1995
Musée Info 08 | 1994
Musée Info 07 | 1993
Musée Info 06 | 1993
Musée Info 05 | 1992
Musée Info 04 | 1992
Musée Info 03 | 1991
Musée Info 02 | 1991
Musée Info 01 | 1990
Lectures | Mummies - The dream of everlasting life
Flyer | Mummies - The dream of everlasting life
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2015
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2015
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2015
Plateforme de publication numérique
Abonnement gratuit par courriel : musee@mnha.etat.lu (nom, prénom, adresse, e-mail)
Jean Mich (1871-1932) A luxembourgish sculptor in Paris
School workshops 2019/2020 - Secondary
Discover our workshop proposals for students of the secondary school.
School workshops 2019/20 - Primary level
Discover our workshop proposals for kids of the primary level.
REPLAY vun eiser Diskussiounsronn "Fräischaffend Kënschtler zu Lëtzebuerg."
Vu senger Konscht ze liewen, dat war an ass de Wonsch vu ville bildende Kënschtler a Kënschtlerinnen zu Lëtzebuerg. Ma d’Situatioun um Niveau vun der Educatioun, dem kënschtlereschen Austausch, der Konkurrenz, der Visibilitéit, der sozialer Ofsécherung oder dem offiziellen Statut waren am 20. Joerhonnert deels ganz verschidden ewéi haut.
The archive collection of the Lëtzebuerger Konschtarchiv with Jamie Armstrong, Camille Pierre et Aitana Kugeler
Poppentheater Hoplabum Kollegen
Monotypie. Mit Tusche auf Glas
The art of portraiture - Roland Schauls on Joseph Kutter Talk
Insight into the life of the MNHA Activity report 2019
The activity report charts the preceding year, including events, discoveries, renovation work, and gives a better insight into the life of the institution. This reference document is only available in french.
Exhibition Flyer
Exhibition Flyer
Luxembourg for Kids
Virtual tours through the museum
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2020
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Brushed by Light - Carla van de Puttelaar
Brushed by Light - Carla van de Puttelaar
The exhibition catalogue is online and free for consultation.
Exhibition Flyer
Brushed by Light
How to draw (advanced) Two-day drawing workshop with Pit Molling
with Pit Molling, artist
MNHA Collections
Upon registration
Demonstration by the artist Arthur Unger About the technique of "pyrochemogram" on the forecourt of the museum
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2020
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
New video guide for our #wielewatmirsinn exhibition
New guided video tour for the "Brushed by Light" exhibition
Video guide of the exhibition "De Mena, Murillo, Zurbarán"
Journées européennes du patrimoine du 24 septembre au 03 octobre
The Museum Project Temporary exhibition on the fifth floor
The MNHA presents for the first time a selection of 38 photographies originated from a donation in the frame of The Museum Project.
Art and function Florentine baroque artists, their patrons and commissioners
Le cadre figuratif Bloc d'ateliers sur deux jours
An introduction to the history of european picture frames by Huub Baija
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2020
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAGENDA 03 | 2020 (#Covid19 - not published)
Beyond the Medici Florentine art in the baroque. The Haukohl Family Collection
Beyond the Medici Florentine art in the Baroque. The Haukohl Family Collection
The exhibition shows masterpieces from the Haukohl Family Collection, probably the most important ensemble of Florentine Baroque art outside of Italy. Before the European tour initiated by the MNHA in 2018, the collection, assembled over more than 35 years, has never been shown in Europe. The works clearly demonstrate that the Florentine artists of the 17th and early 18th centuries influenced European art history to a far greater extent than art historical research and the general public have previously perceived.
On the choices of framing and reframing paintings Finding a balance between intentions and experiences
Flyer of the exhibition
Beyond the Medici
Beyond the Medici The Haukohl Family Collection
Catalogue de l'exposition
MNHA Reopening 2015
A campaign by 101Studios
Beyond the Medici
Find us on Youtube Learning by viewing
Following the sudden "lockdown" imposed in march 2020 in order to curb the health crisis linked to the Covid19 pandemic, the MNHA has adapted to the situation by developing educational online content, first on social networks but also on its website. Since then, this content has been systematically referenced on a single platform, the MNHA's Youtube channel entitled "Learning by viewing" (videoguiding of exhibitions, lecture replays, "home made" didactic videos produced by our guides during lockdown, video clips). Find us on Youtube MNHA Learning by viewing.
De Mena, Murillo, Zurbarán - Masters of the Spanish Baroque (catalogue)
The object of the month on MNHA Collections
Figure in Print The human form & body through Luxembourgish printmaking from 1945 to today
This exhibition exploring the human figure in Luxembourgish printmaking is the result of a collaboration between the National Museum of History and Art, the National Library of Luxembourg (BnL), and Luxembourg’s most renowned engraving workshop: Empreinte. With a selection of more than 170 works, presented in two different venues (MNHA / BnL), the exhibition highlights the richness of the graphic production in our country from 1945 to the present day. The medium and its variety of artistic expression are demonstrated through five themes: Portraits, Abstraction, Nudes (MNHA, Wiltheim wing), Bodies in action, and Man’s place in society (at the BNL - until 18 April).
La raison et l'art A philosophical look at the Haukohl collection
Supports/Surfaces: Viallat & Saytour Modern French painting of the MNHA
The MNHA holds one of the most important public collections of Supports Surfaces worldwide.
The Alchemist Selected Works by Arthur Unger
Je sens l'art - Robert Brandy Je sens l'art - L'art communique avec moi
Supports/Surfaces: Viallat & Saytour Modern french painting from the MNHA
One of the strengths of the MNHA’s collection of international art is the ensemble of paintings by Supports/Surfaces, an artistic movement from 1966-1972 which helped to shape contemporary French art, both in painting and sculpture.
Villeroy et Boch Wieso ist mein Teller blau?
The Museum Project until 23 January 2022
Empreinte - Print am Kollektiv mam Diane Jodes an Anneke Walch
The Carnation Revolution in the cinema Talk with Yves Steichen
with Yves Steichen
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2021
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Figure in Print The human form & body through Luxembourgish printmaking from 1945 to today
Exhibition flyer
Figure in Print
Figure in Print
The Eighteenth Century in Painting With Julien Fallesen
The object of the month on MNHA Collections
Robert Brandy A personal retrospective on a 50-year career
With its upcoming exhibition Robert Brandy face à lui-même, the National Museum of History and Art (MNHA) is inviting visitors to explore half a century of work by this popular and well-known Luxembourg artist. In his early career, Brandy quickly made a name for himself in the art world, not least because he was determined to achieve something almost unheard of in 1970s Luxembourg: to make his passion his profession and make a living from his art in his own country. Establishing himself as an independent freelance artist turned him into something of a renowned figure and, without Brandy even knowing it, was to pave the way for other artists to follow in his footsteps.
Figure in Print
Figure in Print Catalogue
Le catalogue bilingue (français/allemand), publié par le MNHA et la BnL, propose trois essais d’introduction par des experts, fournissant ainsi des informations sur les œuvres exposées ainsi qu’un glossaire. Consultation d’extraits ci-dessous : https://issuu.com/mnha/docs/brd_mnha-bnl_fip_print_issuu?fr=sOWQ4NDI1MzU3MA
Insight into the life of the MNHA Activity report 2021
The activity report charts the preceding year, including events, discoveries, renovation work, and gives a better insight into the life of the institution. Only available in french.
Official partner
Since February 2021 the roman villa is an official partner of Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall
Robert Brandy
Robert Brandy face à lui-même Catalogue
The catalogue published by the MNHA includes various contributions in French (Michel Polfer, Jamie Armstrong, Bernard Ceysson, Malgorzata Nowara and Jean Sorrente) and reproductions of the selected works.
EMOP, Rethinking Identity. Je est un autre "Je est un autre"
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2021
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Videoguiding Robert Brandy"
Rethinking Landscape European Month of Photography
Landscape representations have a long and rich history in art. With the development of the Land Art movement, at the beginning of the 1970s, landscape scenes radically changed paradigm. By becoming a medium, the landscape is no longer used by the artist as a subject in itself, but is physically experienced as part of the artistic practice.
A documentary about the career of Robert Brandy
A documentary about the career of Robert Brandy
European Month of Photographie EMOP 2021 Luxembourg
The exhibition catalogue, published by Café-crème and edited by Paul di Felice and Pierre Stiwer, provides an overview of the participating museums and theire artists on display. Artists exhibited at MNHA: Bruno Baltzer/Leonora Bisagno (LUXBG); Inka & Niclas (FIN/SWEDEN); Douglas Mandry (SWITZERLAND); Daniel Reuter (LUXBG/ISLAND), Danila Tkachenko (RUSSIA).
Archives of the MNHA
Catalog: European Month of Photographie
The exhibition catalogue, published by Café-crème and edited by Paul di Felice and Pierre Stiwer, provides an overview of the participating museums and theire artists on display. Artists exhibited at MNHA: Bruno Baltzer/Leonora Bisagno (LUXBG); Inka & Niclas (FIN/SWEDEN); Douglas Mandry (SWITZERLAND); Daniel Reuter (LUXBG/ISLAND), Danila Tkachenko (RUSSIA). Publisher: Paul di Felice et Pierre Stiwer (Café-Crème)Graphic Design: hyke.studio Print: Offset Printing House KOPA, Vilnius, Lituanie Size: 35x27 Copyright: All pictures if not otherwise stated: courtesy and copyright The Artist / No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher ISBN: 978-99959-674-8-2 Pages: 124 pages Price: 20 euros www.mnha-shop.lu
The catalogue
Mystères aux musées Lecture et atelier créatif
Von Läusespiessern und Mehlhosen Ein vergnüglicher Spaziergang durch die Entstehung des Handwerks bis zu den Zünften
Bei diesem sammlungsübergreifenden Rundgang erfahren Sie Wissenswertes und Amüsantes über Handwerk, Zunftsitten oder Gebräuche der Vergangenheit sowie der Gegenwart. Angefangen beim Faustkeil aus der Steinzeit bis zu den Zunftordnungen des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, führt sie diese unterhaltsame Reise durch die Geschichte des Handwerks.
Mythical creatures Workshop for kids - from 6 years on
Samplers. Embroidered archives with Isabelle Maas and Edurne Kugeler
Paperdress Transient fashion, enduring wardrobes
Art Workshop European Heritage Days
Videoguiding (1/5)
Videoguiding (2/5)
Videoguiding (3/5)
Videoguiding (4/5)
Videoguiding (5/5)
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2021
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Konscht a Kaffi
Kënschtler vum Mount Februar: Mihály Munkácsy
Museum Night 2021 The programm
Since its first edition in 2001, on the initiative of the "d'stater muséeën" group, the Night of the Museums in Luxembourg-City has become an annual event not to be missed by culture and heritage enthusiasts, allowing them to visit the seven museums of the group at night until 1 am.
Programme MNHA
Video | Nuit des musées 2021
Dépliant | Nuit des musées 2021
IRAN BETWEEN TIMES Photography by Alfred Seiland
With Alfred Seiland, a familiar face returns to the MNHA this autumn. Following his 2014 exhibition Imperium Romanum, the Austrian photographer will present his latest project IRAN BETWEEN TIMES for the first time this November.
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2021
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Empreinte: new works on display Until end of December 2022
As part of a collaboration between the National Museum of History and Art (MNHA) and the print workshop Empreinte, which showcases the diversity of the collective's work, the work of three engravers - Pablo Quert, Asta Kulikauskaite Krivickiene and Chantal Hardy - are on show at the museum reception until the end of September 2022. Free entry.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2022
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Reflections Painting under glass
Archaeological reminiscences of an empire
Art Nouveau comme pochoir et livre from 6 years old
Knitting museum café Granny and Me
Knitting museum café
On the road with Mansfeld Theatrical tour for young and old (from 6 years on)
Archäologische Ausgrabungen im Iran im Fokus von Alfred Seilands Fotografien
Open Day Norouz Programm
A permalink and a unique QR Code Lectures online
Luxembourg's colonial past
Does Luxembourg have a colonial past? Surely, many Luxembourgers would answer this question with a resounding no, as their country has never been a colonial power. But is it really that simple? The National Museum of History and Art (MNHA) decided to look into this question.
Co-creation workshop How do you see our museum?
Join our co-creation workshop were we investigate what the MNHA transmits to the outside public/how we perceive the MNHA, define how a perfect museum would be and think about the challenges that are currently holding the MNHA back to reach that vision!
Insight into the life of the MNHA Activity report 2020
The activity report charts the preceding year, including events, discoveries, renovation work, and gives a better insight into the life of the institution. Only available in french.
Cette colonie qui nous appartient un peu par Régis Moes
Cover up à partir de 9 ans
L'art de la calligraphie persane par Monsieur Asadollah Esmaili
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2022
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
The Rape of Europe Maxim Kantor on Putin's Russia (1992-2022)
Since 24 February 2022, Russian aggression and the murderous war against the Ukrainian people take us back to the darkest times in European history. Tens of thousands dead, cities partially razed, millions of Ukrainian refugees wandering across Europe. How to react, as a museum, how to show a sign of solidarity with those under attack when direct cooperation with a Ukrainian museum is currently proving impossible and our own collections contain almost no objects related to this country?
Maxim Kantor on Putin's Russia (1992-2022)
The Rape of Europe
The Rape of Europe – In solidarity with Ukraine .............................5 by Michel Polfer Putin’s war on Europe ............................................................................ 7 by Stephen Whitefield The painter as prophet .........................................................................9 by Vittorio Hösle Being an artist ....................................................................................... 13 by Maxim Kantor Biography of Maxim Kantor ...............................................................17 Paintings ................................................................................................. 18 Graphics ................................................................................................ 46 Artwork index.........................................................................................87 Colophon ............................................................................................... 88
The Rape of Europe Maxim Kantor on Putin's Russia (1992-2022)
Steichen The Photographer
Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart created the Edward Steichen gallery to pay homage to his prolific career as a photographer. The collection consists of 178 photos gifted to Luxembourg.
Kunst und Kuchen Artist of the months: Aida Silvestri (*1978)
with Romy Hutmacher
MUSEOMAG 03 | 2022
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Gast Michels (1954-2013): Movement in colour, form and symbols New exhibition
The Cercle Cité and the National Museum of History and Art present the artist Gast Michels' first comprehensive retrospective, covering 30 years of his work.
Thirteen years of Portuguese colonial war in Africa Conference
Historian Irene Flunser Pimentel looks back at this troubled period and its historiographical advances.
This colony which belongs to us a little Conference
Régis Moes explores certain aspects of Luxembourg's colonial past, such as the country's presence around the world during the colonial era.
Lëtzebuerg: e koloniale Staat? Table ronde
Kéint Lëtzebuerg eent vun de wéinege Länner an Europa sinn, dat keng kolonial Vergaangenheet hätt? Dëst Thema iwwer d’kolonial Vergaangenheet vu Lëtzebuerg gëtt an engem Ronndëschgespréich mat Perséinlechkeeten aus Verbänn, Politik an Akademie debattéiert.
Schools From primary to secondary school
Edward Steichen (1879-1973) – The Artist's View Curated by Erwin Olaf and Hans Op de Beeck
Inspired by Steichen - Erwin Olaf / Hans Op de Beeck from 16 December 2022 to 11 June 2023
Nuit des Musées 2022 Saturday, 8th October 2022
The 21st edition of the Night of the Museums awaits you with a special program of guided tours, music, performances, workshops, culinary surprises and a festive all-nighter at MUDAM.
Gast Michels (1954-2013). Movement in colour, form and symbols
Movement in colour, form and symbols
MUSEOMAG 04 | 2022
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Exploring the notions of current in painting Workshop with Nicolas Martens
with Nicolas Martens
Through the lens of ... Fränk et David Michels
This autumn, the Cercle Cité and the National Museum of History and Art present Gast Michels' first comprehensive retrospective, covering 30 years of his work. Discover both exhibitions through original perspectives! In a very personal tour, several cultural figures will present a selection of works by Gast Michels and share their reflections on their own artistic or personal journeys.
Through the lens of ... Pit Molling
This autumn, the Cercle Cité and the National Museum of History and Art present Gast Michels' first comprehensive retrospective, covering 30 years of his work. Discover both exhibitions through original perspectives! In a very personal tour, several cultural figures will present a selection of works by Gast Michels and share their reflections on their own artistic or personal journeys. The tours will start at Cercle Cité and end at MNHA.
Of signes and symbols
This autumn, the Cercle Cité and the National Museum of History and Art present Gast Michels' first comprehensive retrospective, covering 30 years of his work.
High volume
Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck. Inspired by Steichen 16.12.2022 - 11.06.2023
Marking the 50th anniversary of Edward Steichen’s death, this exciting project showcases the work of two eminent contemporary artists, Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf (*1959) and Belgian visual artist Hans Op de Beeck (*1969).
How to draw - Back to nature
Towards reparations for colonialism? Conference
Specialised in the history of international law, Michel Erpelding examines the issue of reparations for colonialism.
Lëtzebuerg: e koloniale Staat?
Cette colonie qui nous appartient un peu
Treize années de guerre coloniale portugaise en Afrique
Vers des réparations au titre du colonialisme?
Personal accounts
Movement in colour, form and symbols. Gast Michels 1954-2013 Catalogue
The Cercle Cité and the National Museum of History and Art present the artist Gast Michels' first comprehensive retrospective, covering 30 years of his work.
Nei freelance Guide gesicht! Schoulateliers
De Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart sicht nei freelance Guidë fir Schoulateliers um den externen pedagogesche Site vum neolitheschen Haus zu Lorenzweiler ze leeden. Dir kënnt gutt mat Kanner vun all Alter ëmgoen a fillt Iech an der Geschicht oder der Konscht doheem? Da schéckt eis Ären CV op servicedespublics@mnha.etat.lu eran.
Erwin Olaf and Hans Op de Beeck. Inspired by Steichen
Edward Steichen. The Luxembourg Bequest Publication
In March 1985, the National Museum of Luxembourg unexpectedly received a generous bequest from the estate of Edward Steichen, the Luxembourg-born and world-renowned American photographer. The bequest comprises a total of 178 prints, including 175 photographs by Steichen himself that cover almost all aspects of his photographic oeuvre – from the pictorialist images of his early years to portraiture, fashion, advertising, landscapes, and family photographs.
Mysterious Landscapes, Layers and Scenes Photography and watercolour workshop
Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck. Inspired by Steichen from 16 December 2022 to 11 June 2023
A visual journey explained: the making of "Hans Op de Beeck & Erwin Olaf inspired by Steichen" by Ruud Priem
Arthur Unger's Art and the Influence of Africa with Georges Weyer
People, Nature, Culture
Historicising lusophone (im)mobilities with Aleida Vieira and Bernardino Tavares
with Aleida Vieira and Bernardino Tavares
Héichten an Déiften: den Edward Steichen a säi Wierk zu Lëtzebuerg by Prof. Dr. Michel Polfer, Directeur MNHA
Artist Talk with Ruud Priem
with Ruud Priem in conversation with Erwin Olaf and Hans Op de Beeck
Ruud Priem in conversation with Erwin Olaf and Hans Op de Beeck Artist talk
Hans Op de Beeck and Erwin Olaf will share their thoughts on individual works and the artistic collaboration that the exhibition at the MNHA prompted in a discussion moderated by the exhibition curator Ruud Priem. To mark the opening of their exhibition, the artists talk about specific ideas behind the works presented in the museum, their relationship with Steichen's photography and elaborate on modern society and human attitudes to our natural environment. Note: Hans Op de Beeck was unable to attend the conference in person, but his answers were read out by Ruud Priem during the conversation.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MUSEOMAG 01 | 2023
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Video Im Wald
Video The Cliff
Promenades architecturales du dimanche
Artist estates and their future. Opportunities and challenges. Panel discussion
Friday, 20 January 2023 at 18:30 (LU)With, among others, Fränk and David Michels, Jamie Armstrong, Marlène Kreins, Dr. Andreas BayerModeration: Paul Bertemes, curator of the exhibition at Cercle CitéAt Cercle Cité, Auditorium Henri Beck (Entrance: 2, rue Genistre)
Edward Steichen, Erwin Olaf, Hans Op de Beeck - What do they have in common? with Georges Weyer
One artist from the past, two from today.
Découverte de la couleur dans l'aquarelle Three-day workshop with Julien Fallesen
with Julien Fallesen, artist
Erwin Olaf in Deutschland: Unheimlich Schön with Dr. Roger Diederen, Directeur of the Kunsthalle Munich
Landschaft am Wandel: eng geopoetesch Vue op de Minett with Robert Weis and Dr. Sébastian Thiltges
Exploring the artistic landscape from a gallerist's point of view with Alex Reding and Ron Mandos
Vanitas of mine - staged worlds
Sou gutt riche wéi d'Réimer from 6 years on
The first MUSEOMAG of the year is online! New issue
Happy new year! We're marking the start of 2023 with a new edition of our quarterly magazine. Packed with conversations with local and international artists, insights into recent acquisitions and fascinating details about our archiving process, the new issue promises to be a compelling read.
Plan your Sunday architectural walks Heritage
The 2023 programme of "Sunday Architectural Walks" proposed for the museum by Dr. Robert L. Philippart is online. Discover the programme. Booking required.
Mosaik - Marmor - Musen E-Book
The main building of the Gallo-Roman villa of Vichten is one of the most important discoveries of Luxembourg archaeology in recent decades. The digital book "Mosaik - Marmor - Musen" by Rainier Fischer (MNHA) documents and illuminates the excavation, recovery and restoration of the Roman villa in great detail. Take a look at this exciting e-book: https://collections.mnha.lu/op.... Also available as a PDF and Epub.
Four new exhibitions Programme 2023
The MNHA is to stage four new exhibitions in 2023. To mark the centenary of Edward Steichen's death (1879-1973), the museum will present the exhibition Edward Steichen (1879-1973) – The Artist's View curated by Erwin Olaf and Hans Op de Beeck from 7 March to 4 June to complement our current show Inspired by Steichen. A major retrospective about the Luxembourgish artist Arthur Unger (April 28 to October 15, 2023) will open on 27 April and our show Rethinking identities in the framework of the European Month of Photography (EMOP) is set to open on 11 May. Finally, the museum will unveil an exhibition about 18th century painting in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on 27 July. Please note that the exhibition Gast Michels (1954-2013): Movement in colour, form and symbols will run until March 26 and that Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck, Inspired by Steichen and Edward Steichen (1879-1973) – The Artist's View will coincide with the EMOP. Further details to follow.
Edward Steichen (1879-1973). The Artist’s View 07.03.2023 - 04.06.2023
This spring, Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf and Belgian visual artist Hans Op de Beeck bring their unique perspective to bear on the museum’s extensive collection of Steichen prints.
The Alchemist. Selected works by Arthur Unger 28.04.2023 - 15.10.2023
The Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart is delighted to showcase the unique work of Arthur Unger as part of its series on contemporary artists from Luxembourg.
D’histoires et d’art. Peindre au Luxembourg au XVIIIe siècle 28.07.2023 - 28.01.2024
Dive into the fascinating lives and works of 18th century painters from Luxembourg in our immersive new show at the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart.
EMOP, Rethinking Identity. Je est un autre 11.05.2023 - 22.10.2023
The Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart is once again taking part in the European Month of Photography, a biennial event which will be focusing on the theme of "Rethinking Identity” this year.
Empreinte: new works on display Until end of April 2023
As part of a collaboration between the National Museum of History and Art (MNHA) and the print workshop Empreinte, which showcases the diversity of the collective's work, the work of three engravers - Sybille Feidt (photogravure), Danielle Grosbusch (softground/ fondino/ enluminé) and Marie-Pierre Speltz (pointe sèche) - are on show at the museum reception until the end of April 2023. Free entry.
André Thyes works in the public domain Now on collections.mnha.lu
The Luxembourgish artist André Thyes (1867-1952) was best known for his luminous landscapes, which he painted in the style of Impressionism and Pointillism. The MNHA has a number of works by Thyes in its collection, which are now available to browse online 70 years after the artist's death. Discover these stunning aquarelles and paintings on our collections platform.
The making of Inspired by Steichen Video talk
Renc'Art | The Burmerange cremation tomb Archeology
Discovered by chance in 1958 during the ploughing of a field, the Burmerange tomb is a cremation burial site dating from the 12th century BC. This Final Bronze Age grave is a very interesting case of a burial site combining two rites: inhumation and cremation. The stone casing of the tomb actually indicates an inhumation – a tradition that was common in an earlier era. However, at this site, the deceased was cremated and his human remains, along with a razor, a knife, a pin and several richly decorated vessels, were scattered at the bottom of the dry-stone casing. The Burmerange burial site can be considered as the first aristocratic grave in Luxembourg.
Official Partner
Since 2021 the roman villa is an official Mullerthal Trail Partner
Insight into the life of the MNHA Activity report 2020
Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck. Inspired by Steichen Catalogue
Published to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Edward Steichen’s death, this book presents the work of two eminent contemporary artists, the Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf (b. 1959) and the Belgian visual artist Hans Op de Beeck (b. 1969).
Héichten an Déiften: den Edward Steichen a säi Wierk zu Lëtzebuerg Video talk
Guides for school workshops We're hiring
The museum is looking to strengthen its educational team.
De Schräiner Biver Theatre tour
Erwin Olaf in Deutschland: Unheimlich Schön Video conference
Landschaft am Wandel: eng geopoetesch Vue op de Minett Video conference
Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck. Inspired by Steichen
MUSEOMAG 02 | 2023
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
The second issue of the year is out MUSEOMAG
Browse the new issue of our in-house magazine, which features fascinating details about our inventory, previews of our future exhibitions and sheds light on the spectacular discovery of two rosette stones from Luxembourg's fortifications. Also featured in this issue: an article about the former State Museum Annex, a debate on artists' estates, an account of Picasso roadtrip to the United States, a report on our "Through the lens of" series and an article about a design classic - the String shelf. Enjoy!
Haukohl tour Last stop at Bozar
MuseoBlog A glimpse into the museum
A fresh look at our Steichen collection New show
We have a new name! New visual identity
We have a new name - Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart! Rooted in collective memory, our new name strengthens our identity as a museum and underlines the unique nature of our collection.
Arthur Unger, the alchemist Opening
Mosaik - Marmor - Musen E-Book
The e-book "Mosaik - Marmor - Musen" by Rainier Fischer documents and illuminates the excavation, recovery and restoration of the Roman villa in Vichten.
About this site
Legal aspects
Cookie policy
New works on display Empreinte
The gallerist's point of view Artist talk
We're open! Europe Day
The Alchemist. Selected works by Arthur Unger Catalogue
This richly illustrated catalogue features the works by Arthur Unger on display in the exhibition in addition to three new texts by the curator of the show Lis Hausemer, the head of the Lëtzebuerger Konschtarchiv Jamie Armstrong and the art historian Juliette Evezard. Together, they shed light on Unger’s extraordinary career and his unique artistic practice.
Do you have a String bookcase? Call for submissions
This Scandinavian design from 1949 was popularised in Luxembourgish households by the interior designer Charlotte Kerschen, who appreciated the timeless design of the shelving system.
Exploring the artistic landscape from a gallerist's point of view Video talk
Missed our talk last week? Catch up on the conversation between the two gallerists Alex Reding and Ron Mandos, moderated by curator Els Wuyts, now online!
We're open! Labour Day
Make the most of your day off by visiting one of our new exhibitions at the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart: we're open on Wednesday 1 May, from 10am to 6pm!
Hop, Hop an de Musée! International Museum Day
This weekend, discover 37 museums across the country - for free! With a special program for the whole family, the participating museums open their doors from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and invite the public to discover their collections and activities. The program of the open doors week-end is available at www.luxembourgmuseumdays.lu The Luxembourg Museum Days 2023 are organised by ICOM Luxembourg, within the framework of the International Museum Day and its annual theme is 'Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing'.
Quand Arthur Unger rencontre Michel Tapié Conférence par Juliette Evezard
How to draw (beginners) Two-day workshop with Pit Molling
with Pit Molling, artist
Am Gespréich mam Arthur Unger Videokonferenz
Dir hutt de Gespréich vum 1. Juni mam Arthur Unger a mam Lis Hausemer verpasst? D'Konferenz gouf opgeholl an ass elo online disponibel!
Nicolas Frantz, cyclist vs Joseph Kutter, artist An unlikely encounter around the notion of the champion by Frank Wilhelm
E Schlësselwierk vum Kutter fir eis Kollektiounen Eng spannend konschthistoresch Analys mam Lis Hausemer
Cycling in Modern Art With Nathalie Becker
Duerch d'Blumm Gesot Sonndesvisitt mam Romy Hutmacher
Hungry for Culture Portrait of Catherine Hubscher
Klammt mat an d’Course! Crowdfunding campaign
The Champion by Joseph Kutter is up for sale. lt portrays the winner of the 1927 and 1928 Tour de France Nicolas Frantz.
Museumsgeschichte ganz plakativ Video talk
Missed our archivist Edurne Kugeler's conference for Mois des archives? No problem! The lecture was recorded and is now available online.
We'll be closed on National Day National Day
Forever young - Children's portraits themed tour
with Anne Havik
Bacon, a sacralised vision of the human being Themed tour
with Nathalie Becker
Photobox from 6 years on
Nature, a place of reverie
The notion of championship in sports and culture A talk by Frank Wilhelm
Come to the first conference organised for our crowdfunding campaign "Klammt mat an d'Course" this Thursday.
Roman Villa in Echternach
La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg Vernissage
Joseph Kutter I feel art - art communicates with me
D’histoires et d'art. Peindre au Luxembourg au XVIIIe siècle Last Tour this Sunday
Kunst und Kuchen Artist of the months: Francis Bacon (1909-1992)
with Vera Herold
La préservation et la restauration des tirages de Steichen Talk with Francesca Vantellini
Bacon’s impossible desires Themed tour with Vera Herold
with Vera Herold
Meet our ambassadors Crowdfunding campaign
MuseoMag 03 | 2023
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
MuseoMag Agenda 03 | 2023
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
The many faces of identity Exhibition
Photography was once seen as a way of objectively recording reality, the counterpart to the creative act of painting. The medium, however, has long since been unveiled as highly subjective, presenting complex interpretations of reality by way of the lens rather than paint.
Nicolas Frantz, cyclist vs Joseph Kutter, artist Video talk
Missed Frank Wilhelm's talk held as part of our crowdfunding campaign about the Champion by Joseph Kutter? No problem! The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Carnation Revolution Open call
On 25 April 1974, the Carnation Revolution marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal. The Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart is staging a temporary exhibition in April 2024 to mark the 50th anniversary of this landmark event, which is an integral part of the histories of many citizens in Luxembourg.
Preparing a dip paper workshop Experiment
Muriel Prieur and Deborah Velazquez experiment with paper marbling for a children's workshop as part of the exhibition programme for The Alchemist by Arthur Unger.
Explanations in front of a still life Transmit
A mother teaching her daughter the names of the vegetables in a still life, captured during Luxembourg Museum Days 2023.
Arthur Unger's sketchbooks Sketchbooks
Watch Luxembourg artist Arthur Unger flick through a number of his fascinating sketchbooks.
When Arthur Unger met Michel Tapié Video talk
Missed the art historian Juliette Evezard's talk as part of our exhibition about Arthur Unger? No problem! The talk was recorded and is now available online.
D’histoires et d’art. Peindre au Luxembourg au XVIIIe siècle Opening
Requesting photographs of objects
Peintres et peinture dans le duché de Luxembourg au XVIIIe siècle Publication
Based mainly on archives and a multitude of works found in the field, this study, which oscillates between art and history, aims to shed light for the first time on the life and work of painters who lived and/or worked between 1701 and 1800 in the Duchy of Luxembourg.
Art restorer We're hiring
The Alchemist. Selected works by Arthur Unger
D’histoires et d’art. Peindre au Luxembourg au XVIIIe siècle
Klammt mat an d'Course!
Assistant Digitisation and Digital Collections We're hiring
Add a splash of colour to your bike rides! Shop
Add a splash of colour to your bike rides and donate to a good cause!
Assistant Depot We're hiring
Museumsgeschichte ganz Plakativ Conference by Edurne Kugeler
Quand Arthur Unger rencontre Michel Tapié Conférence par Juliette Evezard
Quand Arthur Unger rencontre Michel Tapié Conférence par Juliette Evezard
Tastemakers and the Art Market in Eighteenth-Century Europe Conference by Prof. Dr. Everhard Korthals Altes
Discovering the Murals in the Church of Junglinster with Romy Hutmacher
Discovering murals With Henri Carême
Allegories and symbols in still life paintings Tour with Georges Weyer
Discovering colour in watercolours Workshop
Sign up for this three-day workshop, during which you'll learn watercolour techniques and draw inspiration from works on display at the museum.
Hungry for culture The Column of Jupiter
A series of lunchtime tours Hungry for culture? Check out our short lunchtime tours, designed to fit around your busy schedule! The tours provide a brief but focused encounter with artworks and objects from our collection, with plenty of time left over to grab a bite to eat. Take 20 minutes out of your lunch break and sample the cultural fare on offer! Be sure to drop by the Gëlle Klack afterwards and get 10% off your lunch.
The Archduke Leopold-Guillaume medal Hungry for culture
A series of lunchtime tours
Luxembourg painters of the 18th century Talk
The aim of this talk is to share the results of Henri Carême's doctoral research in art history. Register for the talk today!
La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg 26.04.2024 - 12.01.2025
25 April 1974 marked the fall of the dictatorship in Portugal. Many Portuguese people found refuge in Luxembourg. 50 years on, the Nationalmusée presents a major exhibition.
The 22nd edition of the Museum Night Late night
The 22nd edition of the Museum Night will take place on 14 October 2023 with a special programme of guided tours, music, performances, workshops and culinary surprises in the seven participating museums in Luxembourg-City all the way through to 1am!
La Révolution des Œillets: racontez-nous votre histoire
Art makes history Dance performance
The Ballet National Folklorique du Luxembourg will take to the stage once again: Simone Mousset’s ballet is part of the country’s forgotten, mythical past. The exhibition D‘histoires et d’art is the perfect backdrop for the performance, as it too showcases untold stories of Luxembourg’s cultural heritage.
The Carnation Revolution: tell us your story Evening
The overthrow of the dictatorship in Portugal, seen from a Luxembourg perspective, is at the heart of a major exhibition that the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart will open on 25 April 2024, exactly fifty years after the Carnation Revolution.
E Schlësselwierk vum Kutter fir eis Kollektiounen Konferenz
Am 28. September presentéiert d'Kuratorin Lis Hausemer eng spannend konschthistoresch Analys vum Joseph Kutter säi Champion am Kader vun eiser Crowdfunding-Campagne. Mellt iech haut nach dofir un!
Villa romaine Echternach
Aerial view of the archaeological site in Echternach.
MuseoMag 04 | 2023
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
MuseoMag Agenda 04 | 2023
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: administration@mnaha.etat.lu.
Come browse with us! Collections Launch
A new series of lunchtime tours Hungry for culture
Hungry for culture? Check out our short lunchtime tours, designed to fit around your busy schedule!
Hot off the press New MuseoMag
Get ready for an issue packed with news from the museum, from recent acquisitions and upcoming exhibitions through to an insight into the work that goes on behind the scenes.
The photographic world of Bruno Oliveira Meet the artist
Bruno Oliveira is a young visual artist from Luxembourg who has a made a name for himself by documenting the people, places and communities close to his heart. Capturing scenes charged with meaning and emotion, he transforms personal experiences and memories into poetic images that blur the boundary between fantasy and reality. Bruno’s work is currently on show at the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart as part of our European Month of Photography exhibition Je est un autre. In the final month of the exhibition, we sat down with the artist to find out more about his work.
A new online dictionary for the visual arts Lëtzebuerger Konschtlexikon
Channel your inner art historian with the Lëtzebuerger Konschtlexikon! Designed for scholarly research and leisurely exploration alike, this new online dictionary seamlessly links the lives of artists with the people, events and organisations that shaped their careers, offering innovative and varied perspectives on Luxembourg art history with full academic referencing.
Agent accueil au musée Avis de recrutement
Le Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art recherche deux agents accueil au musée.
En aneren Abléck an eis Sammlung Guided tour with Lis Hausemer
with Lis Hausemer
E Schlësselwierk vum Kutter fir eis Sammlungen Videotalk
Missed Lis Hausemer's talk as part of our crowdfunding campaign Klammt mat an d'Course? No problem! Our assistant fine art curator's lecture was recorded and is now available online.
Dive deep into Arthur Unger's work Observe
Have you ever seen Arthur Unger's unique technique on copper up close? This stunning work by the alchemist blends materiality and expressiveness.
A wall painting for a good cause Discover
Did you know that our restoration team played a key role in our crowdfunding campaign? Watch Muriel Prieur and Déborah Velazquez recreating the backdrop of Joseph Kutter's painting Le Champion on a wall in the depot!
Come browse with us! Launch on 26th October at 6 pm
Celebrate with us! On 26th of October, we are hosting an event to launch Collections 2.0. We have been working on a new and improved digital interface to present the museum’s collection to the public.
New reception Under construction
Our reception area is temporarily closed for works. You'll go into the museum through the same main door, but then turn left instead of right, via the space that used to house the café. We refurbished the space to make it as welcoming as possible.
Closed but just a click away All Saints' Day
On 1 November, All Saints' Day, the museum is traditionally closed. But did you know that our collections are just a click away, 24 hours a day? Since the launch of Collections 2.0, the new version of our platform dedicated to digitising our collections, you can enjoy richer, more in-depth browsing. More than 8,000 objects from five different collections can now be explored; more contextual stories are published; a selection of exhibitions from 1946 to the present day is listed, as are posters and catalogues. Not to mention the forthcoming online release of a series of 'coup de cœur' videos recorded for the occasion with various members of our scientific team.Curious? Give it a try and click on the link below to find out more about this picture: who the painter is, what iconography is involved and where this work is located in our exhibition rooms. We promise you an exciting journey through time from the comfort of your own home!
Behind the scenes of 3D scanning Digitalise
The Digitisation, Library and Archives department is in charge of digitising objects from our collection. They recently did 3D scans of a number of sculptures for the platform collections.mnaha.lu. Here, we see a limestone bust of Léon Schuller by Albert Hames being scanned.
Duerch de Bléck vum Catherine Lorent Visite guidée
Eng zäitgenëssesch Kënschtlerin interpretéiert Wierker vum 18. Joerhonnert am 12. November am Nationalmusée!
Panoramic wallpaper currently being restored The Columns of Athens
After being on display in the museum for decades, the time has come to restore the famous panorama "The Columns of Athens" (1806-1822) by Joseph Dufour, one of the most illustrious wallpaper manufacturers of the 19th century.
Dem Kutter seng Gesiichter. Nei Facettë vun eiser Sammlung 08.02.2024-01.09.2024
Did you know that the house Joseph Kutter grew up in was just a few metres from the museum and that the painter’s obsession with portraits runs in the family? Another little-known fact is that Kutter’s cubist residence, considered avant-garde for its time, has just been restored and that the artist’s unique technique requires specific preservation methods.
Collections/Revelations. Modern and contemporary art From 15 March 2024
After several years of renovation works and an impromptu show of Maxim Kantor’s works, the fourth floor of the museum is finally reopening with a new presentation of our extensive modern and contemporary art collection, spanning sculpture, painting, photography and video art.
Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024 11.10.24 - 16.03.25
We teamed up with the city of Dudelange / Centres d’art Dominique Lang & Nei Liicht in order to pay hommage to the artist Marc Henri Reckinger (1940-2023).
Selected paintings from our collection Winter landscapes
As the days get colder and the nights longer, we welcome in the frosty season with a series of wintry paintings by Luxembourg artists from our collection.
Three new artists in the public domain Happy new year!
From aerial views to pink suits. A fresh perspective on Edward Steichen 15.03.2024-16.06.2024
A photograph taken from a military airplane, the star photographer taking a stroll through the gardens in a pale pink suit… This is Steichen as you’ve never seen him before!
Le musée cherche un(e) restaurateur/trice Avis de recrutement
Le Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art recherche un(e) restaurateur/trice d'objets tridimensionnels. Le/la candidat/e sera en charge de: Gérer l’atelier de restauration d’objets; Pourvoir aux traitements de restaurations dans son domaine d’expertise; Assurer l’organisation et la supervision des restaurations d’objets tridimensionnels des autres spécialisations sous-traitées en externe; Assurer la prise en main et le développement du programme de conservation préventive du musée, en relation avec les autres restaurateurs et l’équipe du dépôt; Veille sanitaire générale de la collection; Surveillance climatique des différents lieux d’exposition et de stockage; IPM; Constats de conservation et convoyages; Sensibilisation des collègues et assistance lors des projets d’exposition etc.
Plan your end-of-year activities Holiday schedule
During the festive season, the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart is open on Sunday December 24 from 10 am to 2 pm, on Tuesday December 26 from 10 am to 6 pm and on Sunday December 31 from 10 am to 4.30 pm - open on other days at the usual times. But we are closed on December 25 and January 1.
Kunst und Kuchen Artist of the months: Frans Floris (1516-1570)
with Vera Herold
MuseoMag 01 | 2024
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
MuseoMag Agenda 01 | 2024
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
A new year filled with great news! MuseoMag
Start the new year on the right foot and consult our new quarterly agenda, the MuseoMag Agenda, to plan your next visits to us. What's more, the first magazine of the year is already available for online consultation and contains a host of interesting articles. Flip through it today! Happy reading and welcome to the museum!
Dem Kutter seng Gesiichter. Nei Facettë vun eiser Sammlung
To mark the success of our crowdfunding campaign Klammt mat an d’Course! and the acquisition of the iconic painting The champion, the museum offers a fresh look at its collection by placing Kutter and his many faces at the centre of a new kind of retrospective. The exhibition curators, Lis Hausemer and Muriel Prieur, have opted for a deliberately reduced scenography, reinterpreting the museum’s Kutter rooms to illustrate the context in which the painter lived and to give an insight into his creative universe through selected portraits.
Radio receiver, radio set Hungry for culture
A series of lunchtime tours Hungry for culture? Check out our short lunchtime tours, designed to fit around your busy schedule! The tours provide a brief but focused encounter with artworks and objects from our collection, with plenty of time left over to grab a bite to eat. Take 20 minutes out of your lunch break and sample the cultural fare on offer! Be sure to drop by the Gëlle Klack afterwards and get 10% off your lunch.
Dem Kutter seng Gesiichter. Nei Facettë vun eiser Sammlung Guided tour
Je sens l'art | Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck Je sens l'art - Art communicates with me
Small but beautiful. Treasures of cultural heritage from Luxembourg 28.03.2024-04.08.2024
An exciting exhibition at the Henan Museum, Zhengzhou, China, tracks the rich history of Luxembourg and its important role in Europe from prehistory all the way through to the 21st century.
The Vichten mosaic, around 240 AD Hungry for culture
A series of lunchtime tours
La Révolution Portugaise du 25 avril 1974 - 50 ans après Lecture with Fernando Rosas and Jaime Nogueira Pinto - Debate moderated by Régis Moes
Bach in the Subways Concerts
Collections/Revelations. Modern and contemporary art
New in! Guided tour with Lis Hausemer
with Lis Hausemer
Through their eyes Guided tour with Alfredo Cunha
Alfredo Cunha, photographer
Réparer la Villa Kutter. Histoire de la renaissance d'un monument luxembourgeois
with Diane Heirend
Collections/Revelations. Modern and contemporary art Opening
Join us for a very special evening to mark the long-awaited reopening of our modern and contemporary art collection and a brand-new exhibition about Edward Steichen.
Mon body
Empty space in the museum Architecture
As we prepare to reopen the permanent collection of modern and contemporary art on the fourth floor of the museum after several years of renovation works, we take a moment to reflect on what empty spaces in institutions like ours can mean and how artists have responded to them. Éric Chenal’s images capture the transient state of the rooms in question, offering a visual exploration of the notions considered in this piece.
Scanning sculptures Digitisation
Digitisation, and 3D modelling specifically, have become increasingly important in the cultural heritage sector in recent years. Our cultural institute first started experimenting with 3D modelling in 2019, when we had both the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart and the Musée Dräi Eechelen scanned. These models proved invaluable during lockdown, when people could no longer physically go to the museum, and offered a different way of accessing and engaging with culture. This prompted us to start digitising our temporary exhibitions as well, making them available to the public even after they were over.
Closing at 3pm Red alert
A magnificent case Treasure
Our repository is full of unexpected treasures. These include the Coins and Medals collection, which features this magnificent case containing the honorary distinction awarded by the city of Aachen in 1960 to Joseph Bech (1887-1975) by the city of Aachen in 1960.
Coup de projecteur sur les outils digitaux du MNAHA Antiques and Art Fair
This talk will be in French.
Empty space in the museum Explore
As we prepare to reopen the permanent collection of modern and contemporary art on the fourth floor of the museum after several years of renovation works, Éric Chenal captures the transient state of the rooms in question and reflects on the notion of empty space.
Restoration of a painting Restore
Our restorer Laura Guilluy talks about the restoration of the painting Saint Paul Ermite reçoit la visite de Saint Antoine by Jean Le Clerc (1586-1633), in particular about the discovery of the artist's signature.
Workshop at the Neolithic house Lorentzweiler
Have you ever wondered how our ancestors - the nomadic hunter-gatherers - ate, made their utensils and lived their daily lives?
Closing early 7 February 2024
Due to an event, the museum will close at 5.30 pm on 7 February. We apologise for the inconvenience and hope to be able to welcome you at the Nationalmusée soon.
Alfredo Cunha, photographe. 50 ans de carrière 19.07.2024-12.01.2025
As part of its exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg, the museum is delighted to show photographs by Alfredo Cunha that were recently on display at the Museu do Neo-Realismo (Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal). Curated by its director David Santos, the exhibition marks the 50th anniversary of Cunha's career as the most well-known photojournalist of the Carnation Revolution.
Patrons' Night Impressions from the evening
To crown the success of our crowdfunding campaign Klammt mat an d'Course! and to promote the Champion's major acquisition, the museum invited donors to a Patrons' Night on 7 February 2024. Donors had exclusive access to the new exhibition Dem Kutter seng Gesiichter. Nei Facettë vun eiser Sammlung. Huge thanks to all our patrons!
Retransmission en direct Conférence de Diane Heirend
Vous avez été très nombreux.ses à vous inscrire pour la conférence que l'architecte Diane Heirend tiendra le 29 février au Nationalmusée sur la réhabilitation de la maison de Joseph Kutter au Limpertsberg. Il est vrai que ce monument emblématique du patrimoine architectural luxembourgeois, construit en 1929 et successivement modifié entre 1937 et 1981, a toujours marqué les esprits par son caractère avant-gardiste. L'événement affiche déjà complet mais que tou.te.s les intéressé.e.s se consolent: la présentation de l'architecte chargée de la réhabilitation de la villa sera retransmise en direct sur notre compte Facebook. Voici le lien vers le livestream: https://fb.me/e/1FD8eGMC3.
Two openings, one evening 14.03.2024
We're delighted to invite you to the opening of our exhibitions Collections/Revelations. Modern and contemporary art and From aerial views to pink suits. A fresh perspective on Edward Steichen at the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart.
Seriez-vous candidat(e) au service accueil, surveillance et nettoyage? Avis de recrutement
Le Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art est à la recherche d'un(e) coordinateur(rice) du service accueil, surveillance et nettoyage. Le/la candidat/e sera en charge de: Gestion du personnel interne (congés, planning etc.) de la surveillance sur les différents sites gérés par le MNAHA et des femmes de charge du bâtiment administratif; Gestion des services externes en surveillance et en nettoyage (demande devis, planning et briefing); Gestion de la liste de garde et de l'astreinte 24/24; Organiser et si besoin assurer soi-même les remplacements en cas de maladie et/congés et ce aussibien en semaine que le weekend; Assister à l’organisation, au recrutement et à l’encadrement des étudiants et mesures CAE de l’Adem dans le service surveillance; Assurer la gestion du shop des différents sites (gestion du stock, de la page web etc.); Contrôler et faire respecter les consignes et règles internes concernant les services à gérer , savoir implémenter les mesures disciplinaires en cas de non-respect de ces dernières; Assister l’organisation et participer activement aux évènements courants; Établir et transmettre le relevé des heures supplémentaires.
Changement à la tête du MNAHA Avis de recrutement
Avec le départ à la retraite fin de l’année de Michel Polfer, directeur de notre institut depuis 2006, « le » poste clé du MNAHA devient vacant. Vous vous sentez l’âme d’un.e dirigeant.e, jouissez des compétences, de l’expérience et des qualités managériales requises pour cette fonction? Alors n’hésitez pas à rejoindre une équipe dynamique et motivée. Découvrez les conditions requises pour postuler à ce poste d’ici le 2 avril, ci-dessous:
Réparer la Villa Kutter Video talk
Last night's talk by architect Diane Heirend architecture & urbanisme as part of the exhibition Dem Kutter seng Gesiichter was a huge success.
Cultural mediators for the Neolithic House We're hiring
Our museum is looking for cultural mediators for the site of the Neolithic house in Lorentzweiler.
We're open Easter Monday! 1 April 2024
We're open Easter Monday! Be sure to drop by the museum and visit our temporary exhibitions about Joseph Kutter and Edward Steichen, as well the new modern and contemporary art section free of charge.
From aerial views to pink suits Guided tour: A fresh perspective on Edward Steichen
Visite Guidée
À travers le regard de Jamie Armstrong Guided tour
with Jamie Armstrong, Lëtzebuerger Konschtarchiv
La révolution de 1974 Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg
Through their eyes Thematic tour with Julien Hübsch
with Julien Hübsch, artist
The secret garden of Edward Steichen Talk with Paul Lesch, curator of the Steichen collections
with Paul Lesch
Mysterious, eerie, weird? Themed tour with Vera Herold
with Vera Herold
Through their eyes Themed tour
with Régis Moes et Isabelle Maas, curators
Joseph Kutter in the history of the Nationalmusée Talk with Lis Hausemer & Edurne Kugeler
with Lis Hausemer & Edurne Kugeler
Discover the Supports/Surfaces exhibition Family guided tour with Chloé Sobczyk
with Chloé Sobczyk
À travers le regard de Chantal Maquet Guided tour
with Chantal Maquet, artist
MuseoMag 02 | 2024
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
MuseoMag Agenda 02 | 2024
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
Hot off the press MuseoMag 02 | 2024
The new edition of the MuseoMag is out! Read all about our latest news, from upcoming exhibitions through to ongoing restoration projects.
What women say about women Thematic tour with Lis Hausemer, Paula Alves, Fabienne Pietruk and Ulrike Degen
with Lis Hausemer, Paula Alves, Fabienne Pietruk and Ulrike Degen
On loan from the Lëtzebuerger Konschtarchiv Neues Museum Nürnberg
The Lëtzebuerger Konschtarchiv is pleased to loan documents from the private artist's estate of Alexis Wagner (1929-1987) for the new exhibition Memory Movers at the Neues Museum Nürnberg in co-operation with the Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg.
Assistant.e au service informatique Avis de recrutement
Le Musée national d’archéologie, d’histoire et d’art recherche une.e Assistant.e au service informatique.
Wall texts La révolution de 1974
The history of Kutter‘s exhibitions through a digital lens Digital data
As our current exhibition on the many faces of Joseph Kutter demonstrates, the ties between the Nationalmusée and Kutter have always been strong.
Unveiling our new presentation of modern and contemporary art Permanent exhibition
The long-awaited day has finally arrived! After almost four years, the permanent exhibition of modern and contemporary art reopened to the public this March after extensive renovation work, including a brand-new parquet floor. We are delighted that the diverse array of works from the collection of modern and contemporary art will once again be on view on the 4th floor of the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart.
La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg
Luxembourg Museum Days Open day
During Luxembourg Museum Days, more than forty museums in Luxembourg open their doors free of charge. On 18 and 19 May 2024, they will once again be offering a varied cultural programme for all the family, with the aim of raising public awareness and introducing people to cultural activities. To mark this traditional open weekend, the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart and the Musée Dräi Eechelen will be presenting a rich and varied programme with special guided tours, workshops and activities for children and families.
D'Konscht vum Portrait Now online
Did you miss the conversation between the Luxembourgish artist Roland Schauls and our curator Lis Hausemer as part of the exhibition Dem Kutter seng Gesiichter? Not to worry! The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Under the carnation flowers, the revolution Talk with Yves Léonard
with Yves Léonard, historian
Le jardin secret d'Edward Steichen Now online
Did you miss Paul Lesch's talk, curator of the Edward Steichen collections at the Ministry of Culture, as part of the exhibition From aerial views to pink suits. A fresh perspective on Edward Steichen? Not to worry! The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Who remembers what? Polyphonic memories of the Carnation Revolution Talk with Vera Herold
with Vera Herold, cultural critic
25 April 1974: Day 1 of Portugal's transition to democracy Talk with Irène Flunser Pimentel
with Irène Flunser Pimentel, historian (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Portuguese political immigration to Luxembourg before 25 April 1974 Talk with António Paiva
with António Paiva, former political activist
Portugal's policy of care and support for its emigrants (1974-1976) Talk with Thierry Hinger
Analysis based on the example of Portuguese emigration to Luxembourg with Thierry Hinger, historian
The consequences of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal and Luxembourg Panel discussion at the Casino syndical de Bonnevoie
We're open! Whit Monday
Make the most of your bank holiday by visiting the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart - we're open from 10am to 6pm!
The symbolism of the carnation flower thematic tour
with Liliana Francisco, visual artist
The symbolism of the carnation flower thematic tour
with Liliana Francisco, visual artist
Remembering the Carnation Revolution in Luxembourg Guided tour with Régis Moes and Isabelle Maas
with Régis Moes and Isabelle Maas, curators of the exhibition
New in! Our acquisitions in the spotlight
Get the inside scoop on new acquisitions in these exclusive guided tours led by our fine arts curators at lunchtime on Wednesdays. Discover the stories behind recently acquired artworks and get an insight into how we collect here at the museum. In the frame of this New in!, we present a work by Carl Glotz. The event will be in English on 15 May (with Ruud Priem) at 12 pm and in Luxembourgish on 5 June (with Lis Hausemer) at 12.30 pm.
Blooming Voices: Exploring freedom through art and history Workshop with Liliana Francisco
with Liliana Francisco, visual artist
From image to screen: Bringing stories to life Workshop with Luan Lamberty
with Luan Lamberty, artist
Kutter race Continuous workshop for young and old
(from 6 years)
Scrapbook La révolution de 1974
Are you between 10 and 18 years old, and would you like to take of the exhibition “La Revolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg” in an accessible way? Then this notebook is for you! Steven Cruz and Liliana Francisco, two young Luxembourg-based artists of Portuguese origin, have designed this booklet to be both educational and fun, so that you can enrich your knowledge of history with a glossary of terms. What's more, you'll find a series of (re-)creative activities (origami, stickers to stick on, formulating your own opinion, etc.). Your notebook/pencil set is available at the exhibition entrance. Available in FR/DE on paper, and in PT/EN by digital download. Enjoy your visit!
Songs of revolution Choral workshop
Choral workshop with Barbara Pierlot
The faces of democracy Dialog with Anabela Mota Ribeiro and Alfredo Cunha at the National Library Luxembourg
with Anabela Mota Ribeiro, journalist, and Alfredo Cunha, photographer
Artist talk Talk with Júlio Resende at the Philharmonie
with Júlio Resende
Even if it’s not true, it’s well found Workshop from 6 years and older
Casino Luxembourg's mobile artwork will be activated at the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart
Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche 21.06.2024-23.02.25
To mark the acquisition of a number of important works by Supports/Surfaces artists, we take a closer look at this artistic movement and present the full range of our collection.
Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche Opening
Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche Guided tour
(Un) attested. Oral history as a supplement to the museum archive Talk with Edurne Kugeler
with Edurne Kugeler
Chargé de mission dans la section beaux-arts Avis de recrutement
Le Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art recherche une.e Chargé.e de mission dans la section beaux-arts.
Special event 8 and 9 June 2024
Celebrating 50 years of freedom, democracy and the march towards independence! On the eve of Portugal, Camões and Portuguese Communities Day on celebrated on 10 June, the Nationalmusée is organising a special weekend as part of its exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg.
Open Doors Your revolution, our history: let's celebrate together
Celebrating 50 years of freedom, democracy and the march towards independence! On the eve of Portugal National Day, the Camões and Portuguese Communities Day on 10 June, the Nationalmusée is organising an open weekend as part of its exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rue de Lisbonne à Luxembourg. On Saturday 8 June, we are offering a whole range of themed tours to familiarise visitors with the exhibition, and on Sunday 9 June, there will be music, live entertainment and culinary specialities to celebrate this decisive chapter in European history. Come and enjoy the sound of Grândola and breathe the wind of freedom!Radio Latina, our Portuguese-language media partner with the weekly journal Contacto, will be broadcasting live from the museum forecourt.Free entry and participation
Acquisition policy MNAHA library
For written works to join our library, they must fulfill the criteria detailed in the Acquisition policy.
La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg
Concert with the INUK 4tet featuring a repertoire of revolutionary songs Project Abri'Lux
Project Abri'Lux - concert with the INUK 4tet featuring a repertoire of revolutionary songs
Batuco, traditional song and dance from the island of Santiago by the Cape Verdean group terra-terra
Batuco, traditional song and dance from the island of Santiago by the Cape Verdean group terra-terra
Typical folk show from Viana do Castelo by the Grupo folclórico Mocidade Portuguesa do Luxemburgo
Typical folk show from Viana do Castelo by the Grupo folclórico Mocidade Portuguesa do Luxemburgo
Instrumental stroll through the exhibition with Pedro Quintas on Portuguese guitar
Instrumental stroll through the exhibition with Pedro Quintas on Portuguese guitar
Portuguese wine tasting by BEXEB
Première de la pièce de théâtre 25 de abril de 1974 avec Magaly Teixeira et coproduite par le Escher Theater
Première de la pièce de théâtre 25 de abril de 1974 avec Magaly Teixeira et coproduite par le Escher Theater
Blooming Voices Workshop with Liliana Francisco, visual artist
Designing freedom Workshop with Steven Cruz, visual artist
Tasting of Portuguese and Cape Verdean specialities
Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche Opening
With its new exhibition, the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart invites you to dive into the fascinating works of the forerunners of contemporary art in France. Be the first to discover the show when it opens on 20 June!
La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg Exhibition booklet
This compact book gives a general overview of the exhibition and provides an in-depth look at Portugal's turbulent history in the 20th century, its democratic process and its links with Luxembourg. On sale in the museum shop.
Un peuple uni à l'intérier et à l'exterieur du pays? Online talk
Did you miss Victor Pereira's talk as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Archive Month 5th edition
The Veräin vun de Lëtzebuerger Archivisten (VLA) is presenting a series of events organised in collaboration with a number of institutions to mark Archive Month, the theme of which is ‘Time travel through archives’. Our museum is organising several events as part of Archive Month.
National day Opening hours
On Saturday 22 June, we'll close at 4pm and on Sunday 23 June, we're closed due to National Day.
Supports/Surfaces: What legacy do we have today? Dialog with Bernard Ceysson, Noël Dolla, Michel Polfer et Marie-Paule Feiereisen, modération par Nicolas Martens
with Bernard Ceysson, Noël Dolla, Michel Polfer et Marie-Paule Feiereisen, modération par Nicolas Martens
Material subversions and transmediterranean dialogues Talk with Daniel Sturgis and Mick Finch
with Daniel Sturgis, Professor in Painting (University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Arts) and Mick Finch, Professor of Visual Art Practice (University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins)
The repetition of form between nature and synthetics Guided tour with par Maurine Cagnoli
with Maurine Cagnoli
Painting on unexpected surfaces Workshop with Julien Fallesen
with Julien Fallesen
Painting on unexpected surfaces Workshop with Julien Fallesen
with Julien Fallesen
No limits - a tablecloth like no other Workshop with Brigitte Tesch
with Brigitte Tesch
The relation between art and space Themed tour
with Nicolas Martens
The relation between art and space Themed tour
with Nicolas Martens
Through their eyes Guided tour with Serge Kollwelter et António Paiva
with Serge Kollwelter et António Paiva, witnesses
Supports/Surfaces. Luxembourg’s public collection Exhibition catalogue
Past meets present 3D Printing workshop with Pit Molling, artist
with Pit Molling
A famous triptych by Francis Bacon joins the Nationalmusée Press release
An iconic work by the British artist, which is listed on ARTEX Global Markets, joins our permanent collection of modern and contemporary art on loan for two years.
Alfredo Cunha, photographe. 50 ans de carrière Opening
With its new exhibition, the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart invites you to delve into the work of the most famous photojournalist of the Carnation Revolution: Alfredo Cunha. Be the first to discover the show when it opens on 18 July!
Alfredo Cunha, photographe. 50 ans de carrière Opening
With its new exhibition, the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart invites you to delve into the work of the most famous photojournalist of the Carnation Revolution: Alfredo Cunha. Be the first to discover the show when it opens on 18 July!
Sous les Œillets, la Révolution Online talk
Did you miss Yves Léonard's talk as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
MuseoMag 03 | 2024
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
Alfredo Cunha, photographe. 50 ans de carrière Exhibition texts
Over 550,000 visitors to our exhibition in Henan China
Just one month before our exhibition in China closes, Henan Museum confirms that it has already attracted more than 550,000 visitors to Small and Beautiful: Luxembourg Cultural Heritage. The exhibition features more than 200 objects from the MNAHA's various collections (archaeology, numismatics, applied arts and fine arts), tracing Luxembourg's rich history and its role in Europe from prehistoric times to the present day. Planning a trip to China? You have until 4 August to discover the exhibition and contribute to its public success!
A new look for the Roman villa Réimervilla Echternach
Did you know that our cultural institute also manages a magnificent Roman villa nestled by Echternach lake? This little gem features archaeological remains, a lush garden and a visitor centre. Recently, the villa has undergone a rebranding, breathing new life into this historical site and enhancing the visitor experience.
Reframing art and motherhood Diane Arbus
With the reopening of our permanent collection of modern and contemporary art earlier this year, we introduced a new series of short guided tours called “New in!”.
Alexis Wagner - insights into the mind of an artist Archive
An archive is the documentary by-product of human activity. Archives are an important source of information as they give us insights into past events. Preserving archives enriches our knowledge of the past and of the people and events that shaped our present.
MuseoMag Agenda 03 | 2024
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
Gems from the depot: showcasing "hidden" objects Collection
One of the main features of a museum, according to the ICOM’s definition, is its collection. In the case of our museum, we began collecting long before there was a building to house it.
Supports/Surfaces exhibition Closing on 11 July
Please note that our exhibition Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche will be closed to the public on Thursday, 11 July 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for understanding.
De Joseph Kutter an der Geschicht vum Nationalmusée Online talk
Did you miss Lis Hausemer and Edurne Kugeler's talk as part of the exhibition Dem Kutter seng Gesiichter. Nei Facettë vun eiser Sammlung? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Casemates 3D: mapping Luxembourg's mysterious maze Digitalisation
After the Treaty of London in 1867, the fortress of Luxembourg was dismantled. The fortifications were demilitarised, defunctionalised, blown up, demolished and filled in. Some parts, however, have been preserved. These remnants of the fortress, many of which are now underground, are known in Luxembourg as “casemates”.
The legacy of Supports/Surfaces Online talk
Did you miss the panel discussion with Bernard Ceysson, Noël Dolla, Michel Polfer and Marie-Paule Feiereisen, moderated by Nicolas Martens, as part of our Supports/Surfaces exhibition? The discussion was recorded and is now available online.
Selfie Workshop for kids
with Brigitte Tesch
A work by Julien Hübsch in the center of our New in! Guided tour with Lis Hausemer
with Lis Hausemer
New in! Guided tour with Ruud Priem
with Ruud Priem
Alfredo Cunha, photographe. 50 ans de carrière Guided tour
As part of its exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg, the museum is delighted to show photographs by Alfredo Cunha that were recently on display at the Museu do Neo-Realismo (Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal). Curated by its director David Santos, the exhibition marks the 50th anniversary of Cunha's career as the most well-known photojournalist of the Carnation Revolution.
Alfredo Cunha, photographe. 50 ans de carrière Guided tour
As part of its exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg, the museum is delighted to show photographs by Alfredo Cunha that were recently on display at the Museu do Neo-Realismo (Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal). Curated by its director David Santos, the exhibition marks the 50th anniversary of Cunha's career as the most well-known photojournalist of the Carnation Revolution.
Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche Guided tour
Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche Guided tour
The legacy of Supports/Surfaces Online talk
Did you miss the panel discussion with Bernard Ceysson, Noël Dolla, Michel Polfer and Marie-Paule Feiereisen, moderated by Nicolas Martens, as part of our Supports/Surfaces exhibition? The discussion was recorded and is now available online.
Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l’affiche Guided tour
Kunst und Kuchen Artist of the months: Barend Cornelis Koekkoek (1803-1862)
with Vera Herold
Kunst und Kuchen Artist of the months: Erwin Olaf (1959-2023)
with Vera Herold
We're open! 15 August 2024
We're open! 15 August 2024
The museum will be open on the bank holiday this Thursday 15 August from 10am to 6pm. Make the most of your day by visiting the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart!
Collection Management Assistant We're hiring
The Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art is looking for a Collection Management Assistant. Find the job details on GovJobs.
Digital Days 2024 Digital humanities in cultural institutions
The Musée national d’archéologie, d’histoire et d’art (MNAHA), the Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA) and the Musée national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN) are thrilled to announce the first edition of Digital Days – an event bringing together Digital Humanities experts from across Europe to discuss the latest research in this dynamic field.
Exceptional closure on 18 September ŠKODA Tour de Luxembourg
Discover Joseph Kutter’s art on our new mugs! Museum shop
Are you a fan of Joseph Kutter? Then our lovely new mugs featuring works by the Luxembourgish artist are just what you're looking for! Two different models are waiting for you in our shop here at the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart. Come by and pick your favourite!
MuseoMag 04 | 2024
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
MuseoMag Agenda 04 | 2024
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
Next issue out now MuseoMag
We are delighted to announce that the next edition of MuseoMag is now available! This issue features the latest news from our museums, exclusive interviews and in-depth articles. Happy reading! Our accompanying agenda is also available.
Gallery attendant for the museum We're hiring
The Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art is looking for a gallery attendant for its exhibition halls.
Francis Bacon, Three Studies for Portrait of George Dyer, 1963 Hungry for culture
Who remembers what? Polyphonic memories of the Carnation Revolution Video talk
Did you miss cultural critic Vera Herold's talk as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
New faces at the museum Talk with Ruud Priem
with Ruud Priem
Francis Bacon talks to Francis Bacon Performance Nuit des Musées
Inspired by the artist's famous interviews, the performance Francis Bacon talks to Francis Bacon is a fictitious monologue about excess, fear, faith, death and beauty.
Tania Brugnoni appointed Director and Régis Moes appointed Deputy Director Appointments at the MNAHA
Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024 Opening
With their new exhibition, the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart and the Centres d’art Nei Liicht and Dominique Lang in Dudelange invite you to dive into the work of Marc Henri Reckinger (1940-2023), the winner of the Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024. Be the first to discover the show when it opens in Luxembourg on 10 October and in Dudelange on 12 October!
Grab your tickets for Museum Night Presale
Grab your tickets for this year's Museum Night on 12 October and experience live performances, music, workshops, special tours and culinary delights at seven museums across Luxembourg City.
Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024 Guided tour
Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024
The Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart and the Centres d’art Nei Liicht and Dominique Lang in Dudelange are posthumously honouring the artist Marc Henri Reckinger (1940–2023), winner of the Luxembourg Art Prize 2024, a prize for visual arts awarded biennially by the Ministry of Culture.
A personal insight with Serge Ecker Guided tour of the Centre d'art Dominique Lang
with Serge Ecker, artist
Portrait pop art: engaged sketches Workshop with Julien Fallesen, artist
with Julien Fallesen
Quel artiste pour quelle âme? Workshop with Maurine Cagnoli
with Maurine Cagnoli
Art is never silent: art, society and activism Two-day workshop with Martine Pinnel, photographer
with Martine Pinnel
Colourful designs Workshop with Tania Kremer, artist
with Tania Kremer
Colourful designs Workshop with Tania Kremer
with Tania Kremer, artist
Engaged art Panel disscusion at opderschmelz, Dudelange
with Berthe Lutgen, Filip Markiewicz, Danielle Igniti and Ada Günther. Moderator: Justine Blau
Art trip Discover the work of Marc Henri Reckinger
Discover the work of Marc Henri Reckinger at various artistic and culinary venues
Fado Jazz. Sons of Revolution Concert with Júlio Resende
by Júlio Resende in the Philharmonie
A personal insight with Pit Riewer Themed tour
with Pit Riewer, artist
A personal insight with Régis Moes Themed tour
with Régis Moes, historian
A personal insight with Fernand Weides Guided tour of the Centre d'art Nei Liicht
with Fernand Weides, Journalist
Concert Jazz with Pit Dahm at the Nei Liicht Art Centre
with Pit Dahm, saxophone
How to draw (beginners) Two-day workshop with Pit Molling
pwith Pit Molling, artist
How to draw (advanced) Two-day drawing workshop with Pit Molling, artist
Two-day drawing workshop
La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg
Obsession and desire Francis Bacon
In 1963, Francis Bacon met George Dyer, his greatest muse and lover. Their first encounter is shrouded in myth. Some say Dyer, a small-time thief from London’s East End, was caught breaking into Bacon’s studio in London. Bacon himself claims that the pair met in a bar in Soho. Either way, it was the start of an intense and complicated relationship that lasted almost a decade, ending abruptly with Dyer’s suicide in 1971. Overwhelmed with grief, Bacon continued to paint Dyer after his tragic death; indeed, his lover appeared in more than 40 paintings throughout his career.
A diversity of (post)memories Carnation Revolution
“My father was in prison in Angola…” “Why? What did he do?”“Nothing, that’s how it was…”
Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024 Exhibition texts
New in! Guided tour with Lis Hausemer
with Lis Hausemer
From artefacts to 3D prints 3D printing
Since the creation of its Digitisation Department in 2018, the museum has embarked on several projects involving 3D.
Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024 Guided tour
We teamed up with the city of Dudelange / Centres d’art Dominique Lang & Nei Liicht in order to pay hommage to the artist Marc Henri Reckinger (1940-2023).
Salgueiro Maia, the man and the myth Thematic tour
with Georges Weyer
Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024 Exhibition catalogue
Faces and Traces. Stories of the revolution themed tour
with Vera Herold
New notebooks and bookmarks Museum shop
Through the lens of Nina Tomàs Guided tour with Nina Tomàs, artist
with Nina Tomàs, artist
Origami La révolution de 1974
Les visages de la démocratie Video talk
Did you miss journalist Anabela Mota Ribeiro's talk at the BnL as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Beyond the Frame. Rethinking Photography (EMOP) 26.04.2025 - 16.11.2025
The 2025 edition of the European Month of Photography will focus on the theme Rethinking Photography.
Land in Motion. Power, People, Landscapes 04.07.2025 - 11.01.2026
The Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart is proud to present Land in Motion. Power, People, Landscapes, an innovative exhibition that brings together archaeological, historical and artistic narratives around the theme of landscapes.
Collections/Revelations. Art in Luxembourg From 03.10.2025
The Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart is delighted to present a reimagined display about art in Luxembourg featuring newly curated sections and recent acquisitions. This new presentation highlights the diversity of art in Luxembourg, offering a fresh look at the country's artistic development.
Museum closed for All Saints' Day 1 November 2024
On Friday, 1 November, the museum will be closed due to All Saints' Day.
New faces at the museum Video talk
Did you miss Ruud Priem's talk about the portraits in our collection? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Supports/Surfaces: an exhibition designed for families Offer for children
Did you know the museum has made a special effort to make its Supports/Surfaces exhibition accessible to people of all ages?
Faces and Traces. Stories of the revolution Thematic tour
with Vera Herold
25 avril 1974: Jour 1 de la transition démocratique au Portugal Video talk with Irène Flunser Pimentel
Did you miss historian Irène Flunser Pimentel's talk as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Young visitors
Activity booklets
Enhance your visit to the museum with our activity booklets, designed for children, teens and families alike! These booklets offer a fun and interactive way to discover our temporary exhibitions, combining creativity, learning and exploration for visitors of all ages. Grab your free set of colouring pencils at the reception or the entrance of the exhibitions to get started!
L'immigration politique portugaise au Luxembourg avant le 25 avril 1974 Video talk with Antonio Paiva
Did you miss former activist Antonio Paiva's talk as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Plan your visit during the festive season Holiday opening hours
Please note that we will close at 4.30 pm on Tuesday 31 December and be closed all day on 1 January. Otherwise, we're open as usual over the festive season. We wish you happy holidays and hope to welcome you at the museum soon!
Director's secretary We're hiring
The Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art is looking for a secretary for its director.
Coins and Medals
Arts and Crafts
Fine Arts
La politique d’attention et de lien du Portugal envers ses émigrés (1974-1976) Video talk with Thierry Hinger
Did you miss historian Thierry Hinger's talk as part of the exhibition La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg? The talk was recorded and is now available online.
Free entry during the final week-end Two exhibitions extended until 12 January
Following the public success of a 2024 programme largely dedicated to the jubilee of the Carnation Revolution, the museum has decided to extend by a week the two exhibitions La révolution de 1974. Des rues de Lisbonne au Luxembourg and Alfredo Cunha, photographe. 50 ans de carrière. Both of these exhibitions will run until 12 January, and will be crowned by a closing ceremony on the final weekend. On Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 January, we'll be offering tandem guided tours by Serge Kollwelter and António Paiva, witnesses to the Revolution, ‘Through their eyes’ tours by curators Isabelle Maas and Régis Moes, and themed tours. The icing on the cake: photographer Alfredo Cunha will be with us for a continuous screening of his film and two guided tours in Portuguese.
Hungry for culture Broken glass from excavations at the National Museum in 1997
MuseoMag Agenda 01 | 2025
Find out what's on at the museum in the MuseoMag Agenda. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
MuseoMag 01 | 2025
The MuseoMag gives you an inside perspective on what we do here at the museum and is published four times a year. Subscribe for free by email: contact@mnaha.etat.lu.
What about the women? Themed tour
with Vera Herold
Six artists enter the public domain Property laws: the rules in 2025
The year 2025 marks the entry into the public domain of several artists from our collection, including two Luxembourgers: the draughtsman and sculptor Jean Curot (1882-1954) and the painter Paul de Pidoll de Quintenbach (1882-1954). The other artists are: - the Belgian medallist and sculptor Alphonse Mauquoy (1880-1954); - the painter, sculptor, illustrator and set and costume designer André Derain (1880-1954); - the French cubist sculptor, painter, draughtsman and engraver Henri Laurens (1885-1954) - the watchmaker and jeweller Michel Lesgardeur (1875-1954). More than fifty items in our collection are affected by this application of the public domain, which comes at the start of a new year: the artist Paul de Pidoll tops the list of items affected with 39 paintings and drawings, followed by Jean Curot with 10 items, including the famous Art Deco sideboard on display in our permanent exhibition. Works that have fallen into the public domain may be freely reproduced from 1 January 2025, subject to moral rights. This month, our ‘Gems from the depot’ series highlights a still life by Paul de Pidoll.
Let's talk about art Collections
An invitation to ask questions about modern and contemporary art.
Temporary closure of the Aile Wiltheim Closed to the public on 14 January 2025
Please note that the Aile Wiltheim will be closed to the public on Tuesday, 14 January 2025, from 10:00 to 12:00. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to plan your visit accordingly.
Explore, observe, reflect: our new interactive space Modern and contemporary art
Stop by our modern and contemporary art section to explore our brand-new interactive space.
Activities for childcare centres Carnival holidays
Wrestling with queerness Francis Bacon
We are lucky enough to have a triptych by Francis Bacon at the museum for the next year and a half thanks to a loan managed by ARTEX Global Markets, a stock exchange that aims to democratise investment in art.
Exploring synergies in digital humanities Digital Days
The first edition of Digital Days took place in Luxembourg and Dudelange, bridging academia, museum work and cultural heritage through innovation and collaboration.
A female painter from Strasbourg steps into the limelight New acquisition
Many museums around the world are actively trying to redress the balance in their collections of European paintings before 1850 where, in general, female portraits and especially works painted by women artists are far outnumbered by their male counterparts.
Unveiling hidden stories Conservation
Scientific imaging reveals Jan De Bray’s artistic process in his work Portrait of Andries Van Hoorn.
Crafting stories from the archives Creative writing
Last year, our museum attic became the setting for an inspiring encounter between the treasures of the past and the creative imagination of our participants in the workshop “Wordswoven Histories”.
Free entry to Supports/Surfaces in its final month! Temporary exhibition
Don't miss your chance to visit Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l'affiche before it closes! From 1 February, entry to the exhibition is completely free to mark its final weeks.
Panel discussion: Engagéiert Konscht Recording
Did you miss our panel discussion with Berthe Lutgen, Danielle Igniti, Régis Moes and Ada Günther moderated by Justine Blau as part of the exhibition Marc Henri Reckinger. Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis 2024? The discussion was recorded and is now available online.
Material subversions and transmediterranean dialogues Recording
Did you miss the talk by Daniel Sturgis, Professor in Painting (University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Arts) and Mick Finch, Professor of Visual Art Practice (University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins) as part of the exhibition Supports/Surfaces. Notre collection à l'affiche? The discussion was recorded and is now available online.